Baris Cakir - Türkiye


For further information please contact the secretary of Dr. Cakir by Email


Teşvikiye Caddesi No:3A Güneş Apt. K:1, 34367 Şişli/İstanbul, Turkey

Principal Instructor:

Dr Baris Cakir

+90 (212) 215-5553
+90 (532) 645-6533

Nazim Cerkes - Türkiye


Cosmed Plastic Surgery Center-Istanbul


Hakki Yeten Cad No 17, Ascioglu Plaza, Sisli, Istanbul

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes


Ms. Elif Aydin 
Tel. +90 5324302972


Dr Cerkes is a plastic surgeon in solo practice. %80 of his surgeries are rhinoplasties. In a year approximately 200 rhinoplastes he performes. Around half of these surgeries are revision cases. The surgeries are performed in Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital-Sisli under general anaesthesia.

Surgery days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
However Dr Cerkes attends many international meetings, during these periods there will not be surgeries 


Fellows are welcome to scrub in on cases and assist. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. 

Additional service:

Fellows are allowed to attend all surgeries however they can attend patient consultations and clinical activities only a few days during their stay

Frank Declau - Belgium


Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Head & Neck Surgery
ZAS Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium


Campus Sint-Vincentius
Sint-Vincentiusstraat 20
B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Frank Declau, MD, PhD


ENT Secretariat:: +32 3 283 15 00


The rhinoplasty team currently includes beyond myself two residents and one fellow. Around 170 cases are performed each year. Functional and cosmetic septorhinoplasty cases are mostly operated through open approach with wide exposure to structural, preservation, and hybrid techniques. About 30% are revisions, including rib reconstruction. The vast majority is operated under general anaesthesia.

Surgery days:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday


RSE Fellows will usually observe only. In certain circumstances they will be allowed to scrub in on particular cases. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery regarding clinical analysis and surgical planning. They will be reviewed at the end of the surgery and conclusions drawn. Specific questions by the fellow will also be extensively addressed.

Additional service:

If requested by the fellow, there will be also the possibility to join the rhinoplasty consultation.

Jean-Brice Duron – France


Clinique Blomet; Ramsay Générale de Santé


136 bis rue Blomet, 75015 Paris, France

Principal Instructor: 

Dr Jean-Brice DURON, MD


Laila (PA Dr Duron)
+33 1 45 53 57 57


95% of activity is rhinoplasty (65 % primaries, 35 % secondaries)
Open rhinoplasty for primaries.
Rib cartilage for secondaries.
Only total anesthesia

Surgery days: 

Wednesday, friday


Fellows are welcome to observe but not to scrub as Dr Duron works already with his own fellow.
Of course cases will be discuss before or after surgeries and questions will be answerred

Charles East – United Kingdom


Central London.
Between the London Clinic, The Weymouth Hospital, The Lister Hospital and London Bridge Hospitals


Varied between the 4 Hospitals

Principal Instructor: 

Shared between Charles East, Sandeep Paun, Hesham Saleh, Lucian Ion



Private practice setting with ENT and Plastic Surgeons,

Surgery days:



Observing surgery.
proof of status documents and evidence of vaccination plus supporting letters required by all hospitals.

Hossam Foda – Egypt


The Nose Clinic


Cairo Branch: 51 Demishk Str., Mohandeseen, Cairo
Alexandria Branch: 12 Museum Str., Attareen, Alexandria

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Hossam M.T. Foda



A single-surgeon private practice dedicated exclusively to rhinoplasty. Operating on a minimum of 250 cases a year (50% revisions)

Surgery days:

Cairo: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Alexandria: Saturday, Sunday, and Monday


Fellows are welcomed to attend my one-week live-surgery fellowship (free of charge) where we do preoperative case analyses, surgical planning, operate on 2 cases every day and give daily lectures between the operations.

Olivier Gerbault – France


Policlinique Esthetique Marigny Vincennes
Vincennes – Paris, France


3 Cours Marigny
94300 Vincennes

Principal Instructor:

Dr Olivier Gerbault


Olivier Gerbault:
Elodie Lasne:


Dr Gerbault is in private solo practice. He operates usually 3 cases per day: 90% rhinoplasties, 10% facial surgery cases (rejuvenation, blepharoplasty)
Two thirds are primary rhinoplasties, with preservation and non preservation techniques. Most surgeries are done open with ultrasonic rhinoplasty and septoplasty in all cases. The secondary cases are often done with rib grafts. All the rhinoplasties are done with a structural approach

Surgery days:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday


Fellows are welcome to scrub in on cases and assist. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery.

Miguel Goncalves – Portugal


Centro Hospitalar Universitario do Porto
Hospital Luz Arrábida
Clinica do Nariz e Face


Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto
Largo Prof. Abel Salazar
4099-001 Porto, PORTUGAL

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Miguel Gonçalves Ferreira


Ms. Joana Teixeira
Tel. +351915808584


The Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery Team includes one leading surgeons. We operate around 250 patients/year. Mostly Rhinoplasty but also Blepharoplasty, Facelifting, Otoplasty, Mentoplasty and other Facial Plastic Surgery procedures.

Surgery days:

Monday, Thursday, Friday*, Saturday


Fellows are welcome to assist hands-off. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.

Additional service:

Fellows are welcome for one week, two weeks or one month.

Sebastian Haack – Germany


Clinic for Facial Plastic Surgery
Marienhospital Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany


Clinic for Facial Plastic Surgery
Böheimstr. 37, 70199 Stuttgart, Germany

Principal Instructor:

Dr. Sebastian Haack


Mrs. Pia Langer
Tel. +49 711 6489 8241


The Clinic for Facial Plastic Surgery includes 5 leading surgeons and 6 residents. Only procedures in the face are performed. Main focus is primary, secondary rhinoplastic and nasal reconstruction. In 2021 over 500 rhino-septoplasties had been performed.

Surgery days:

Monday to Friday


Fellows are welcome to scrub in on cases and assist. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.

Additional service:

Fellows are welcome to observe directly and video based. Cases, questions and details can be discussed on spot.

Martin Haug – Switzerland


One team, three facilities:
1. Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery Basel
2. ORL, HNO Seepraxen
3. Nasal Surgery Clinic


1. Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery
University Hospital Basel, Spitalstrasse 21, CH-4031 Basel
2. ORL, HNO Seepraxen, Stockerstrasse 5, CH-8810 Horgen
3. Nasal Surgery Clinic, Beethovenstrasse 5, CH-8002 Zürich

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Martin Haug
Dr. Josef Vavrina
Dr Stephan Bessler


Mrs. Silvana Picardi
Phone +41 61 3287354


The team includes three leading surgeons, one plastic surgeon and two ENT and facial surgeons, performing rhinosurgery together and as single surgeons at three locations with different focal points:
Basel, University hospital: Complex and secondary rhinosurgery
Horgen, HNO Seepraxen: Aesthetic and functional rhinosurgery
Zürich, Nasal Surgery Clinic: Aesthetic rhinosurgery.
All three surgeons are well experienced in open and endonasal rhinosurgery as well as in all kind of preservation approaches.
At the location Zürich, Nasal Surgery Clinic, the fellows will be trained in endonasal approach rhinosurgery exclusively.
In 2021, at the location in Zürich, 350 aesthetic rhinoplasties were carried out exclusively in an endonasal techniques, 120 functional and aesthetic rhinoplasties were done in Horgen and 85 complex secondary rhinoplasties were performed in Basel.
One fourth of these were secondary, tertiary rhinoplasties.

Surgery days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


Fellows are welcome to scrub in on cases and assist in all three locations on a daily basis.
There will be an introduction for the fellows at the beginning of the fellowship, where the fellows may indicate specific points of interest. Based on this, there will be a schedule for the fellows, where and when to join in the three locations
All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.

Additional service:

If requested by the fellow, at all three locations there will be also the possibility to join the consultation hour of the respective rhinosurgeon.

Werner Heppt – Germany


Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Facial Plastic Surgery
Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe
Skin and Face Clinic Baden-Baden


HNO-Klinik, Städtisches Klinikum
Moltkestr. 90
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Sophienstr. 47
D-76530 Baden-Baden

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Werner Heppt


Ms. Annette Taschinsky
Tel. +49 721 974 2501


The Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery Team includes two leading surgeons, the entire staff of the Department 5 senior surgeons and 9 residents. Generally 250-300 septorhinoplasties were performed, both in endonasal and open approach. About one third of these are revisions, including rib reconstruction. The vast majority is operated under general anaesthesia.

Surgery days:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


The cases will be analyzed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file. Fellows are not allowed to scrub.

Additional service:

Fellows may indicate in advance their specific points of interest to allow for scheduling of selected patients.

Haldun Kamburoglu – Türkiye


Premium Clinic
(A private clinic owned by Prof.Dr. Haldun Kamburoglu in Ankara, capital city of the Republic of Turkey)


Premium Clinic, Koc Kuleleri A Blok No:57 Sogutozu Mah.
Cankaya 06520 Ankara, Turkey

Principal Instructor:

Prof.Dr.Haldun Kamburoglu
European and Turkish Board-Certified Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Doctor of Philosophy in Aesthetic Surgery (PhD)


Ms. Busra Cetinkaya
Phone: +90 312 285 55 21
GSM / Whatsapp: + 90 535 623 27 27


Prof.Dr.Haldun Kamburoglu uses all kind of techniques (such as open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, structural rhinoplasty, hybrid rhinoplasty, preservation rhinoplasty, piezotome assisted rhinoplasty, endoscopic conchal treatments, radiofrequency treatments) according to the patients’ needs (more often open structural piezotome assisted). Both primary and secondary rhinoplasties are performed. Especially in secondary cases er cartilage, costal cartilage and also fresh frozen cadaveric cartilage can be used according to patients’ needs.

Surgery days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are surgery days. Surgeries are done in a JCI accredited private hospital. Friday and Saturday are consultation days in clinic. One week visit as a part of RSE fellowship is optimal for fellows.
(Prof.Dr.Haldun Kamburoglu works on rhinoplasty, breast surgery and facial aesthetic surgery. Surgical appointments are given approximately 3 months in advance. So, the fellows should inform clinic more than 3 months before their arrival for a full rhinoplasty week schedule arrangement.)


In surgery days, fellows are welcome to scrub and assist. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.
In clinic days, fellows can learn about rhinoplasty patient evaluation including;
Psychological tests,
Acoustic Rhinometry
3D Vectra Analysis and Simulation
CAT scan

Additional service:

Clinic’s secretary can recommend airport transfer options and hotels which are close to clinic and hospital.

Konstantin Lipski – Russian Federation


Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (IPS&C)
Clinical base of Departments of Plastic Surgery of 1Moscow Medical University named after I.M.Sechenov and 2 Russian Medical Research University named after N.I. Pirogov
Moscow, Russian Federation


Olkhovskaya str. 27, Moscow, Russian Federation

Principal Instructor:

Dr. Konstantin Lipski, PhD; Dr. Georgy Aganesov PhD


Dr. Edgar Arutiunian
Tel. +7 906 755 90 61


The leading plastic surgery clinic in Moscow and Russian Federation, where all types of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeries are perform. In our clinic over 10 specialists are engaged in rhinoplasty. 7 OR, performing 20 operations a day.

Surgery days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Fellows are welcome to observe on cases in the operating room. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.

Additional service:

Fellows who stay for one or two days may indicate their specific points of interest to allow for scheduling of selected patients.

Sandeep Paun – United Kingdom


St Bartholomew’s & The Royal London Hospitals (University practice)
Symmetry Clinic, London (Private Practice)


London UK

Principal Instructor:

Santdeep Paun



The practice encompasses reconstructive, functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery with an average of 5-6 cases per week, including many revision cases. Most are performed in the private sector but there will be exposure to a University based surgical practice once every two weeks.

Surgery days:

Tuesday, Wednesday (alternate weeks in University practice), Thursday and Friday am


Fellows can always watch cases and discuss the patient and techniques. If the Fellow has GMC registration in the UK with appropriate insurance cover, they may be able to scrub in to cases too.

Additional service:

Dependent on the length of the stay, other teaching opportunities may exist including attending a dissection course etc

Enrico Robotti -Italy


Enrico Robotti, MD, Private Practice, Bergamo, ITALY


Clinica Sant’Apollonia
Via Giovanni Motta, 37, 24123 Bergamo BG, ITALY

Principal Instructor:

Enrico Robotti, MD

request of attendance from RSE fellows will have to be submitted in ample time before the supposed start


My practice is currently rhinoplasty exclusively
Around 200 cases are done per year, distributed around 50% for primary and 50% for revision rhinoplasty
wide exposure to structural, preservation, and currently prevalently hybrid techniques
strong emphasis on rib reconstruction techniques in revision rhinoplasty
my team currently includes, beyond myself, an international fellow, a resident and my assistant.

Surgery days:

Monday full-day, Wednesday full-day, Thursday afternoon
On the rest of the days of the week I see new patients and follow-ups and I cannot accept visitors/fellows/residents


RSE Fellows will usually observe only. In specific circumstances they will be allowed to scrub in on specific cases
All cases will be discussed before and after surgery regarding clinical analysis and surgical planning. They will be then reviewed at the end of the case and conclusions drawn
Specific questions by the fellow will also be extensively addressed


RSE Fellows will usually observe only. In specific circumstances they will be allowed to scrub in on specific cases
All cases will be discussed before and after surgery regarding clinical analysis and surgical planning. They will be then reviewed at the end of the case and conclusions drawn
Specific questions by the fellow will also be extensively addressed

Helena Silveira – Portugal


Hospital de São João
ENT Department
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário São João


Alameda prof Hernani Monteiro, 4200-310 Porto – Portugal

Principal Instructor:

Dra Helena Silveira


Dra Helena Silveira:
Anabela Barbosa (secretary of department)


•The department lndudes 2 senior rhinoplasty surgeons
and 2 fellows in training
• In 2021 around 25O surgeries were performed by
endonasal or open approach (60/40)
•Around 25″were revisions with rib harvest
• the department also organizes an hands-on surgical rhinoseptoplasty curse for residents in the month of september
• there is also the opportunity to accompany Dra Helena
Silveira, in a private hospital,to scrub in surgery surgery

Surgery days:



Fellows will be able to scrub in on cases and assist. All cases will
be discussed before and after surgery.Specific questions will be
Fellows will also have the opportunity to be in the clinical for pre
and pos op evaluation and specific care

Additional service:

Fellow who stay only one or two days can contact before to
indicate some specific points of interest and in case of possibility
surgeries can
be scheduled according

Abel-Jan Tasman – Switzerland


Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery
ENT Department, KSSG Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
St. Gallen, Switzerland


HNO-Klinik, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Rorschacherstr. 95
CH-9007 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Principal Instructor:

PD Dr. Abel-Jan Tasman


Ms. Rebecca Boppart
Tel. +41 71 494 1694


The Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery Team includes two leading surgeons, one in-house fellow and three residents. In 2021, 271 rhinoplasties were performed, almost exclusively through an endonasal (closed) approach. One third of these were revisions. A substantial percentage is operated under local anesthesia without sedation.

Surgery days:

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


Fellows are welcome to scrub in on cases and assist. All cases will be discussed before and after surgery. Specific questions of the fellow will be discussed based on an extensive directory of clinical cases on file.

Additional service:

Fellows who stay for one or two days may indicate their specific points of interest to allow for scheduling of selected patients.

Jochen Wurm – Germany


Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
University Medical Center Erlangen
Division of Facial Plastic Surgery


Waldstraße 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany

Principal Instructor:

Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Wurm

+ 49 9131 8533156


The Division of Facial Plastic Surgery at our department consists of four surgeons covering a wide variety of surgical procedures. These include primary rhinoplasties as well as complex revision cases, otoplasties, nasal and facial reconstruction, as well as rehabilitation of the paralyzed face. However, rhinoplasties represent our main focus with more than 200 procedures per year.

Surgery days:

Full-time Monday to Friday


Fellows are encouraged to scrub and assist during all cases allowing for a personal one-on-one teaching. All interventions are explained step by step, specific surgical techniques will be discussed in detail. Fellows are invited to ask questions at any time during surgery.

Additional service:

Fellows can feel free to move from OR to OR in order to experience a rather broad spectrum of different surgical procedures.

Vitaly Zholtikov – Russian Federation


Atribeaute Clinic, Private Plastic Surgery Clinic
St. Petersburg, Russia


Tverskaya street 1, Lit. A, 191015 St. Petersburg, Russia

Principal Instructor:

MD Dr. Vitaly Zholtikov


Dr. Julia Lebedeva
+7 929 106 81 00


Rhinoplasty team include two leading surgeons. One in-house fellow and two residents. In 2021 there were performed 220 rhinoplasties, almost exclusively through an open approach, 40 percent were secondary rhinoplasties.

Surgery days:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday


Fellows are welcome to observe the surgeries, all cases will be discussed before and after surgeries.

Additional service:

Fellows are welcome to observe another types of aesthetic plastic surgeries.