Message from the president

Dear friends and RSE members,

As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank all of you, the Members, the Committees, the Board, the Secretariat and the Webmaster for your loyalty, support and commitment to the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE).

2024 was a year full of challenges, but also a year of growth and shared successes. Our society continues to grow steadily, currently has more than 800 members from 84 countries and maintains good contact with international partner societies. We had a wonderful annual congress in Riga, hosted by Tatjana Bogdanova and her husband Valentins. They have expressed what the Society stands for, scientific expertise with discussions at the highest level paired with a warm atmosphere and hospitality in an impressive way. Thank you very much, it was great.

The RSE Fellowship Program continues to be very popular and is flanked by various surgical courses, for example in Istanbul, Bergamo and Stuttgart. My sincere thanks go to all the training centers that enable young members to receive first-hand training. This opportunity, as well as the support of scientific projects, are important issues to which our company is committed. This also applies to our video library, which has become even more attractive thanks to the excellent Berlin Masterclass courses and, most recently, the outstanding video contributions on nasal reconstruction by our founding member Helmut Fischer.

Another milestone in the development of our Society is the Global Rhinoplasty Masters Project, which we inaugurated last year in Berlin and which will continue in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of next year. Find more information under:

Global Masters Rhinoplasty
March 10-13, 2025 – Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

This congress with Olivier Gerbault and Charles East as RSE representatives and the IMRHIS meeting in Miami in the middle of the year together with our sister society from the USA and Martin Haug and Haldun Kamburoglu as Co-Program Chairs are two further outstanding highlights in 2025 to which we cordially invite you all.

International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies (IMRhiS)
June 26 – 29, 2025 – Miami Beach, USA

The General Assembly of our society with new elections is also scheduled for 2025. It is planned as an online event for the first time in the middle of the year.

The next RSE Annual Congress, which takes place every two years in alternation with the Global Masters Meeting, will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, from June 18-20, 2026 and will be hosted by our esteemed member Alexander Kuzanov.

We very much look forward to future joint events and activities and wish you and your loved ones happy holidays for the rest of the year.

May the New Year bring health, freedom, happiness and many wonderful moments.

With my warmest regards

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

December 2024

Dear friends and RSE members,

Looking ahead it´s a big pleasure to announce the Annual Meeting of our society in Riga from June 21-22, 2024 under the leadership of Tatjana Bogdanova. Make a note of this date, which falls in the period of the white nights and discuss with us the latest findings in Rhinoplasty.

Another important information concerns our video library. The 2nd Masterclass Video of the Global Rhinoplasty Meeting Berlin 2023 goes online next week! After the truly excellent presentation by Peter Palhazi and Charles East on The Applied Anatomy, the next top-class course is about to start: The Masterclass entitled Getting started in Rhinoplasty by Roxana Cobo and Jan Tasman is online for the next 3 weeks. Click on the educational material button on our homepage and enjoy!

With best regards

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

February 2024

Dear Members, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope this letter finds you all in good health and spirits. As the year 2023 comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your support and participation in our Society activities. It has been a pleasure to share our passion and enthusiasm with you.

This year, we have achieved a lot together, organized several events such as the IMRHIS Meeting in Berlin in cooperation with our American sister society and further developed the fellowship programme as well as the funding of scientific studies. As a special Christmas highlight, we are launching a unique training series. Starting as of now, all members of the RSE will have the opportunity to stream selected Master Class courses from this year’s Global Rhinoplasty Master Meeting on our VIDEO LIBRARY. For these truly exceptional presentations and the willingness to make them available for the education, all speakers deserve many thanks! But please note that the following presentations are protected by copyright. Unauthorized recording, recording or publication of the lectures without the express consent of the author is not permitted and may even be liable to prosecution!  I wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas, filled with joy, peace, and love. May the new year bring you happiness, success, and prosperity and a get-together at our next annual meeting in Riga, Latvia from June 21-22.

With warm regards

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

December 2023

Dear Friends and Members,

I hope you all enjoyed the summer break and got new energy for the rest of the year. The time to relax gave the opportunity to reflect and to look in the future.

The highlight so far this year was certainly the IMRHIS Congress at the end of June and beginning of July in Berlin, which was hosted together with our sister society from the USA. The third joint meeting after Paris and Miami has meanwhile developed into a Global Masters Meeting where TOP surgeons from all over the world come together to present the latest trends. The congress center in the middle of the vibrant center of Berlin, an outstanding scientific program with a live section course in the venerable anatomical institute of the Charité, together with almost 500 participants from 63 countries and all continents have made the meeting an unforgettable event (PICTURES DOWNLOAD).

Great thanks are due to all speakers who spared no effort to come to Berlin, to the program committee Charles East, Olivier Gerbault, Ali Sajjadjan and Sam Most, to all participants and to the excellent congress organization.

I would also like to give special thanks to the RSE Science and Research Committee on whose initiative the first 3 RSE research grants were awarded during the scientific session and to the Fellowship Committee for presenting the 5 new RSE Fellows, congratulations to all!

RSE Research Stipend – The future is our engagement! READ MORE
RSE Fellowship Program
 – The future is our engagement! READ MORE

Looking ahead we can look forward to many new activities of our society. Starting in October, we’ll be offering monthly webstreamings of selected masterclasses from the Berlin Meeting and in early December there will be a special webinar highlightning the new developments of 2023.

As a special event in the coming year, I may announce the annual meeting of our society in Riga from June 21-22, 2024 under the scientific leadership of Tatjana Bogdanova, where the next annual meeting of the society will also take place (

Make a note of this date, which falls in the period of the white nights and will certainly be another exciting experience.

With warm regards,

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

September 2023

Dear Friends and Members,

I would like to take the upcoming turn of the year as an opportunity to look back and thank you all for your trust and support of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE).

Our society is not only an association, but is a family of like-minded people with a passion for Rhinoplasty. Following the mission to promote education and learning, to standardize evidence-based procedures, but also to integrate new techniques and advances, the RSE has developed from a small club to an ongoing growing community. It now has almost 700 members from over 70 countries.

The reasons for this positive development are manifold and ultimately a credit to all of you, the board of directors, all committees, the office, but also to colleagues of other societies who support us at training events, such as our American friends at the recent webinar reviewing the year. In this context, I would like to highlight the excellent work of Sebastian Haack who has made the regular webinars a real success story.

Thanks to the decline in the corona pandemic, we were finally able to hold face-to-face events again this year. Both the RSE Day at the end of March organized by Olivier Gerbault and the subsequent 7th Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course led by Enrico Robotti, which has meanwhile become a kind of must-attend event, were well attended and of excellent quality. Representative of other meetings in which the RSE was involved is the ESPRAS congress in Porto in October where Martin Haug and Helena Silveira compiled a very successful session.

A milestone in the training of young colleagues that was established in our society this year is the Fellowship program that started with five participants. All training centers and Abel-Jan Tasman deserve my great thanks for the implementation of this so important training project for the future.

Looking back on the year, I would also like to express my special thanks to the newly structured secretariat, headed by Ute Rother, who, together with Alexandra Stephan and Cristina Rai, were always competent contacts and have put the membership administration on a solid footing. The RSE team would not be complete without Marco Scaramucci, webmaster and social media manager, who is doing an outstanding job whether it’s organizing the webinars, maintenance of the website or providing promotional material, which has recently been updated under the Media Kit button on the homepage.

For the next year we can all look forward to further innovations, such as the launch of a research stipend and further development of YEO Messaging as a secure platform.

A special highlight of 2023 will surely be the third joint meeting of the Rhinoplasty Societies of Europe and the US taking place from June 29 to July 2 in Berlin. This biennial event has developed into a global meeting where leading rhinoplasty surgeons from all continents will be represented. You can expect lectures from more than 60 faculty members, 14 master classes, master dissections by leading surgeons, a cadaver course in groups, video sessions and an attractive social program ( You are all cordially invited and we would be very happy to welcome you there.

I am very much looking forward to our new RSE year and wish you all a great start, and a healthy, happy and peaceful 2023.

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

December 2022

Dear friends and RSE members,

The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe has been blessed with outstanding presidential leaders since its inception and it is a great honor and great task to follow their footsteps as acting president in the next 2 years.

Owing to the vision of the founding father Wolfgang Gubisch, the idea provider Nazim Cerkes who established the Society on the international level, and Enrico Robotti who structured the Society with prudence and fortune in all areas, it has grown steadily and gained reputation since its foundation in May 2011. The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE) now has over 600 members in 75 countries. Of course, such a development is not only the merit of individuals, but of all board members, the individual committees, the secretariat  and the webmaster, all colleagues who have contributed with lectures or live surgery at congresses and web seminars, and finally of all members.

The world of rhinoplasty is undergoing an unprecedented upheaval in recent years after a long period of sleeping beauty: old dogmas are being questioned and thrown overboard, new surgical techniques are being born while old ones are revived and refined. Information is broadly available on internet platforms with amazing speed, which has fundamentally changed education and the possibility to directly contact experienced experts.

This development has been taken into account by innovations launched on the occasion of the last General Assembly in Bergamo. Among other things, the option for virtual meetings including the option for online voting was anchored in the Bylaws, and a Committee for Legal issues and Bylaws was established. In order to meet the strict requirements for privacy and security in communication, we have initiated a partnership with YEO messaging, a private messaging platform that ensures a secure exchange of information with each other, especially in e-consulting with our patients.

With the establishment of the Junior Members and Fellowship Committees, the General Assembly has set a special example for the education of young colleagues. Of particular attractiveness in this context is the newly established Fellowship Program, which is linked to a scholarship and offers the opportunity to visit over 20 different European training centers and learn cutting-edge surgical techniques from renowned experts. This initiative, along with the video library, web seminars and in-person meetings, is another important component of the RSE’s continuing education program.

To keep pace with global developments and set standards, I believe it is of utmost importance for our Society to maintain and build stable and fruitful relationships with other societies that share the same goals. In this context, I am delighted to annonce the next joint congress with our sister society in the United States The Rhinoplasty Society US (IMRHIS) to be held in June next year in Berlin and already now cordially invite all members to attend.

I consider myself fortunate to tackle all these goals with a team of good friends and would like to take this opportunity to thank Nazim Cerkes on behalf of the entire Society, who is leaving the Executive Board by rotation. At the same time, I welcome Olivier Gerbault as a new member of the Board and Abel-Jan Tasman as a member of the extended Board. I am very much looking forward to our cooperation and, under the motto the future is our commitment, I will do my best for the benefit of all of you in the next two years.

With my warmest regards.

Werner Heppt, MD
President of RSE

April 2022

Dear friends and RSE members,

I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all of you for your commitment to our Society throughout 2021. 

We had indeed all hoped to see the end of the tunnel sooner, and it is striking how the still ongoing pandemic has affected many of us in our personal lives, family, and profession. Anyway, we need to be optimistic and hopeful optimism is now better founded than it was at the same time last year.

Thanks to your support, the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe is alive, well, and prospering.  We now count over 500 members from 76 countries, and it is striking how we have grown even in times of difficulty.

The reasons would be interesting to analyze and reside essentially in the simple fact that RSE is a non-political society that simply aims to conglomerate passionate surgeons from different specialties but united by a genuine interest in all aspects of rhinoplasty. This generates kinship, a healthy spirit of competition and benchmarking, positive marketing, and pride of membership, as reflected, for instance, in displaying our member plaque. Over the last years, it became progressively obvious that rhinoplasty is becoming so sophisticated, multifaceted, complex, and at the same time rewarding to those who practice it that it is gradually becoming a specialty of its own.  Thus stems the reason of being, together with the merit, of an exclusive dedicated Society.

Since our foremost mission is education, we have improved our website and its educational contents to surgeons and patients over this year.  We have continued our highly appreciated series of webinars, last of which the very successful event on Patient Management on November 28, and we also co-organized online meetings such as the one had on December 14 with the Russian Society of Plastic Surgery run by Vitaly Zholtikov and Konstantin Lipski. Online education has been prevalent, but  finally we are also starting to get back to meetings in person, such as as the Barcelona live surgery and cadaver course on December 17-20, run by Ramon Vila-Rovira.

Over 2021, we have held several online board meetings and the RSE Board and Committees have worked hard on several topics, but, since this is a New Year’s message, I want to anticipate you two “surprises” for the new year, which will soon become tangible and will significantly increase your members’ benefits. 

The first will be the inauguration of our formal Fellowship program, in which many of eyes have worked, especially our President-elect, Werner Heppt. As you will very soon see on the websitem this program is truly innovative in concept and practice and generous financially. I’m certain  it has good reason to become very popular among our young members; read more on

The second will be the unique opportunity for RSE members to use an innovative, secure, next-generation messaging platform that needs privacy law requirements and is a reliable alternative to existing messenger options by the use of facial recognition. Again, the RSE Board has worked a lot on this, especially our vice-President, Charles East.  You will very soon receive detailed information on how the platform works, on what will be the special advantages to RSE members and on how YEO can become an outstanding application for exchanging advice/case comments and much more between RSE members; read more on

I am feeling very hopeful about the year to come and I firmly trust that you will participate in Bergamo on March 23, 2022, to the RSE annual meeting, finally in person, the day before the Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course We have tried to provide an indeed stimulating scientific program with the RSE Education Committee, and especially Olivier Gerbault.  We also want to extend a special invitation to younger members to present, with a handsome award to be assigned to the winner! Read more on

To all of you I wish a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year and a bright start into 2022!

Enrico Robotti, MD
President of RSE

December 2021

Dear Colleagues and Members of our Society,

it is my strong hope that you and your families have begun the New Year with the positive spirit of turning a dark page and looking ahead.  Pablo Neruda once said “you can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming”, and indeed this saying befits our times

The past year brought to so many of us anguish, uncertainty and even fear.  For some of us, it even brought tragedy into our families.  For most, the Covid 19 pandemic meant spending much time at home, reducing revenue and rethinking the future, not always negatively when it meant focusing on what is important in life.  Now, it’s time to look ahead with the optimism progressively coming from vaccinations and the strength of what we’ve learnt In these unprecedented times

In the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe, we are linked to one another by a common passion for rhinoplasty, which often comes together with strong personal friendships. Education without bias and open exchange of ideas are the RSE mission and reason of being

During this year, difficulties have been many and especially the major one has been the uncertainty and impossibility of planning ahead. This is why we’ve had to give up well-formed plans such as the annual RSE meeting, the third International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies with our sister  “The Rhinoplasty Society US,”  the pre- summer cruise and, unfortunately, also the important dissection and live surgery courses.  All these initiatives had to be cancelled after alternating times of optimism then followed by the realization of the magnitude of the pandemic around us

However, the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe has been far from silent in 2020.  Initiatives have been many:

  • A very successful series of webinars, currently continued in the “10 challenges in rhinoplasty” coordinated by Sebastian Haack.  In the current wide panorama of web-based initiatives, RSE webinars have focused on practical, sequential and mainstay topics and have enjoyed the collaboration of renowned International faculty.  All webinars are recorded and available for delayed viewing by members on our website.
  • Significant improvements in the RSE website. Those have involved the Member area,  including first of all the new “Help Tools” section, concerning body dysmorphic disorder and medical rhinoplasty, with practical presentations from Philio Lekakis, Peter Palhazi and Suleiman Tas, as well as the Covid 19 “How can we safely get back to work” recommendations, in collaboration with The Rhinoplasty Society US.  Again in the Member area, the current video-library contents have been organized by Michael Brandstetter, facilitating specific search by members.  We are planning to soon add new additions to the video library.  In the Patient section, the rhinoplasty “FAQ Video Clips” collecting the most frequently patient questions on rhinoplasty has been handsomely coordinated and organized by Haldun Kamboroglu.
  • The RSE Committees have worked hard on multiple issues. Those have especially  included the  Science and Research Committee with the enthusiastic work of Martin Haug on several projects detailed on our website, the Education Committee chaired by the President-elect Werner Heppt regarding webinars planning and working on the newly incoming Fellowship program,  the Website Committee chaired by Haldun Kamburoglu ,  and The Membership committee under the guidance of Konstantin Lipski in its delicate task of evaluating specific situations regarding applicants.  Importantly , our  Members-at-large: Olivier Gerbault, Hossam Foda, and Vitaly Zholtikov have given us constant support and precious advice.
  • Our official Journal is now Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, which has impressively grown with Bahman Guyuron as new Editor-in-chief. In fact, the name of RSE is first of the list of affiliated societies and organizations!
  • We now also have gathered several surgeons of reputation and experience, offering availability to receive visitors within the Visiting Experts program of the RSE.  Applications and contacts need to be individualized due to limitations due to Covid in several centers.
  • On a lighter note, we have now also started a line of specific RSE products, the first of which already available is a Membership Plaque which can proudly stand in your office!  The details of how to purchase it are available on the website.

It is striking how RSE has grown in this year of darkness and uncertainty, notwithstanding all odds. We now count almost 400 members from over 50 countries.  Our funds, which are essentially derived from membership fees, are well managed by our secretary Helena Silveira and allow us to realize projects of use to our members. I don’t want to dwell on the reasons of this success, but I can only say I think it’s the same concept clearly privileged by our ever-present Founding President Wolfgang Gubisch and the Past-President Nazim Cerkes: simply being less political and more practical, focused on generously sharing knowledge and improving our results. That’s indeed what matters essential to all of us in our practices. 

What will be our plans for 2021? Obviously, it will depend on the global situation regarding the pandemic, but in essence our focus will be on providing Education in whatever way will be feasible, by webinars, videos, presentations, members forums etc.  We plan to have our awaited RSE annual meeting this year,  where I will be honored to yield my presidency  to Werner Heppt. We strongly hope that we will be able to go back to shaking our hands in in-person events and courses, although the future will probably be a welcome hybrid between online and in-person meetings.  After all, online education underwent an impressive growth during this period, and its benefits are there to see for all of us. At the same time,  we will continue positive marketing towards patients in social media and other channels of communication so as to emphasize the value of their surgeon being a member of the RSE!  Also, we plan to finalize very soon the RSE funded Fellowship Program, as well as to provide our members with a secure communication platform, in an innovative application coordinated by Charles East, where patients photos and technical queries can be posted without conflict with the stringent privacy laws existing in Europe.

All these initiatives will be highlighted on the website in accordance to how the situation develops.  However, I can promise that we will keep on going with strength and enthusiasm in 2021,  since we want our society to be, first of all and before anything else, indeed functional and serviceable for our members!

All my best wishes for a happy, successful and productive 2021!

Enrico Robotti, MD
President of RSE

January 2021


Dear Colleagues,

first of all, let me thank you for electing me as President of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe during the annual meeting in Stuttgart just held in April 2019

I will do my best in the next two years for the benefit of our society on the same path as outlined by Nazim Cerkes and Wolfgang Gubisch.

Since our foundation in May 2011, our Society has progressively grown in size and reputation. We now have, at the time of this writing (May 2019), 286 members from 53 countries.  Our mission is simply stated:  to join together a group of surgeons who are passionate about rhinoplasty honest about their results, genuine in their effort to improve and generous towards sharing knowledge with others who share the same enthusiasm.  This has been primarily what has allowed us to grow and prosper.

To Wolfgang Gubisch we owe the vision of founding the Society in a time of not easy relationship with the Facial Academy and the determination to nurse its growth. To Nazim Cerkes we all a lot of new ideas and selfless interest in expanding it.  I will follow and develop those lines in accompanying our Society in its maturation phase.  We have expanded our Committees, introduced new members in the Board, and are seeing the positive effect of brainstorming with new productive  ideas. Among the new Committees, a special mention must be made of the Science and Research committee, which is planning highly interesting projects on contemporary rhinoplasty concepts and topics which merit an evidence-based,  approach.   It is my desire and commitment that Committees and Board members will work actively together in a positive spirit of respect and collaboration during my mandate and beyond.

There are quite several reasons for which a new member may wish to join us:

  • Being an active part of a “Community of Kin”. This means learning from each other, exchanging truthful experiences, and thus shortening our learning curve, as well as developing lasting
  • Education: meetings, dissection courses, live surgeries, videostreaming
  • Videolibrary on our website
  • WhatsApp Group to discuss cases and ask questions
  • Visiting the Experts program. This is the opportunity, as listed on our website, of visiting some of our members who are especially expert in rhinoplasty as observers for short periods
  • Sistership with The Rhinoplasty Society (TRS) as our counterpart in the United States with a reciprocal membership agreement for reduced fees
  • Affiliation with ISAPS- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal
  • RSE social media and “positive” marketing of a member’s practice
  • RSE Fellowship: a great educational opportunity for young members

What are our plans for the future?

At the time of writing, our website is being completely renovated and its contents optimized to make it modern, responsive, SEO updated, optimized for mobile devices and more useful to members and patients alike. Our new webmaster and social media manager is Mr Marco Scaramucci of Together with the members of the Website Committee a progressive social media campaign has now been actively promoting RSE on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin.  Since April 2019, we also have the pleasure of welcome our new and efficient secretary in Germany, Mrs Anna-Lena Behncke.  We are also defining by expert legal advice some delicate aspects of the new GDPR privacy regulation in Europe, regarding patients data and their use on website and social media

We have quite a number of new planned specific RSE activities over the next two years:

  • The third International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies (IMRhiS), to be held in Berlin on October 9-11, 2020. This will follow the positive path of the two previous meetings (Versailles n 2016 and Miami in 2018) , which have been alternatively held on either side of the Atlantic every two years between the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe and The Rhinoplasty Society US
  • Our new RSE Fellowship program will begin in 2020
  • A pre-summer cruise in the Aegean is planned in June 2020, to continue the wonderful experience of the riverboat cruise held in June 2017 from Moscow to St Petersburg
  • A new format of the yearly RSE meeting will be implemented, to hold the meeting in different locations in different countries
  • A specific dissection course is planned in 2021

In conclusion, as you can see, there s a lot going on and a lot to help us with.  To accomplish our goals: growth, improvement, and substantially be of practical help to our members in their busy professional lives we need help, involvement, and advice. It is my wish that the Society becomes an interactive, fervid community to which any member will be proud to belong.

With all my warm regards.

Enrico Robotti, MD
President of RSE

May 2019


Dear Colleagues,

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for electing me President of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe during the annual meeting in Versailles. During my two years presidential term I will try to do my best to make the RSE more prominent in the world. We are scientifically very strong and respected group, so I believe that this will not be so difficult.

I would like to thank to Prof.Wolfgang Gubisch for his great efforts in the foundation and all the great achievements for RSE. Without him, this Society would not exist. I also thank all founding members and Board of Directors for their efforts and support during the foundation period and after that. I also thank all of our distinguished members for being part of this Society.

The goal of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe is education and exchange of experience between different disciplines. Therefore the bylaws are structured that plastic surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and maxillofacial surgeons will be represented on the Board of Directors. The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe acts as an educational platform for its members, to allow specialised members who have a strong clinical, teaching, and research interest in rhinoplasty to exchange and develop their ideas and to work out problems in a common forum of mutual respect and collegiality.

After Versailles, I met with the Board of Directors and discussed about the future activities of the RSE. We have had several decisions to move forward the Society. Here I share with you our plans for the future.

1) Increasing membership- We already received 82 applications during Versailles IMRHIS Meeting. There is no doubt that if we have more members we will be stronger both scientifically and financially. On the other hand qualification of the members is as important as the number. If you have colleagues who are focused in rhinoplasty you can extend our invitation to be member of RSE. We decided to reduce admission fee from 350 to 250 Euro during the Board Meeting in Versailles.

2) Membership Benefits- Although to be a member of this distinguished society is prestigious, membership benefits is the key for getting more members. We have been working hard to create more benefits for our members. We have been working on the items below;

Video Library: We have been working to create a video library on rhinoplasty techniques for our members. We already have several good educational videos. Only our members will be able to access these videos through our website. We are working for eliminating legal problems (it is not possible to share videos of the patients in some of the European countries) and technical issues on the website. If you have specific techniques in rhinoplasty and would like to share it with RSE members you can send it to our Assistant Secretary Mr. Yagiz Tutuncuoglu ( Nowadays we are working for the update of RSE website. After we establish the new structure on the website we will launch the video library and be able to include your video clips into the video library.

Educational Activities: We are planning to organise cadaver workshops every year for our members. The first Cadaver Course will be held in Istanbul on 17-18 March 2017.The registration fee will be around 500 Euro which is very reasonable for a cadaver workshop. Members of RSE will have privilege to register these cadaver courses. We will do announcement to RSE members first, after registration of our members if there still are places we will receive non members. Nonmembers will pay 250 Euro more for the registration.

We will organise live surgery courses which will be two or three days. In these courses, the rhinoplasty experts from RSE will perform live surgeries and at the end of the day discuss the surgeries with participants. These meetings will be quoted 200 Euro cheaper for our members. We are planning the first one at the fall of 2017.

Some of our members have been organising meetings annually e.g Wolfgang Gubish, Enrico Robotti, Nazim Cerkes etc. The RSE members will have an opportunity to register these meetings with a lower registration fee.

Visiting the Experts as an observer for a short term: Some of our members who are expert on rhinoplasty receive visitors as observer for short periods. We are planning to give opportunity to our members to visit some experts as observer for a short period. can accept and give privilege to RSE members to observe our surgeries. We will announce the name of the surgeons who would like to receive observers and visiting periods on our website.

Opportunity to present during annual meeting: We encourage you to present your work and share your new ideas at the annual meeting. We would like to give place to every member of RSE during the annual meeting.

3) Website- We have been updating the website of RSE and you will be able to see announcements, news, new member benefits, etc. soon.

4) Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter pages of RSE-We will open facebook,Instagram, LinkedIn pages for RSE. These social media tools will make the RSE more visible.

5) Affiliation with ISAPS and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal – The new Editor in Chief of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery( Official Journal of ISAPS) Bahman Guyuron offered us affiliation with APS Journal. I already signed the contract and RSE became one of the affiliated societies of the Journal. The name of the RSE will be seen on the masthead of each issue of APS.

6) Whatsapp Group Between RSE Members- We are planning to set up a Whatsapp Group between the members. You can join this group and discuss your problem cases and ask questions to the experts.

7) 2017 Annual Meetings of RSE and River Cruise- In Versailles it is decided that 2017 Annual Meeting will be held in Russia and 2018 Annual Meeting will in Bergamo-Italy. We are planning to do 2017 Annual Meeting on Riverboat Cruise between 25-30 June 2017 from Moscow to St.Petersburg. I believe that it will be a great experience. If you would like to attend this cruise please visit the website and register.

8) Second International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies ( IMRHIS)- We had a successful IMHRIS meeting organised by Rhinoplasty Society of US and RSE in Versailles between 8-10 September 2016. After positive feedbacks from many colleagues, we decided to repeat it in 2018 in USA under the hostage of Rhinoplasty Society of US. We are planning to organise the second IMRHIS in October 2018, in Miami.

9) Reciprocal Membership with Rhinoplasty Society of US- We are planning reciprocal membership with Rhinoplasty Society of US which is our sister society . So members of one of the society may become a member of the other society easily and pay half annual due.

To accomplish these goals we need your support. Please do not hesitate to write me if you have any question or comments.

Warm regards,

Prof.Dr. Nazim Cerkes
President of RSE