
28 - 29 Nov 2020


All Day

Close Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course II

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS invites you to the Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 2 on 28-29th November 2020 in Istanbul, TURKEY.  The course will be an online scientific organization for your safety due to Covid 19 pandemic.

The course has been designed with best-in-class lectures and latest techniques of Closed Rhinoplasty from World renowned masters in a 2-day programme. Participants can ask their questions during the lectures.

Additionally, 3D Live Surgery will be performed by Dr.TAS in the programme. All surgeons will benefit from this fantastic experience regardless their level.

The formal language of the course will be English and simultaneous translation will be available for Turkish and Russian speakers!

We are looking forward to welcoming you in this online meeting on 28-29th November 2020!

Register now!

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