About the rhinoplasty society of europe
Request Endorsement
Guidelines for the use of the Rhinoplasty Society Logo and the publication of the event on the RSE
homepage (Endorsement)
For a course/meeting / congress to be supported by “The Rhinoplasty Society”, the following
conditions must be met:
- Involvement of a respected member: At least one respected member of the Rhinoplasty Society of
Europe (RSE) must be actively involved in the organization of the event. - Request and Approval: A written request for the use of the Rhinoplasty Society logo must be
submitted. The Board of Directors and the members of the Education Committee of the Rhinoplasty
Society of Europe will decide on the support and approval of the logo usage and publication of the
event on the RSE homepage. - Sending the program or a link to the event homepage is essential!
- A fee of €400 is payable for the use of the logo and publication of the event. If the event is organized
by a board member, the fees are reduced by 50% to €200.
The fees are due after the RSE issues an invoice.
Contact the Secretariat to request an endorsement.